Monday, December 31, 2007

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An association helps in the tax jungle

Krefeld . Every year in mid-January to late May, many employees have the tax office to submit an income tax return. For many a horror, annoying or just too complicated. Remedial promise of tax consultants or computer programs. Another alternative may be the help of a payroll tax assistance association. The Lohnsteuerhilfeverein is an affordable alternative. The admission fee is paid once and is 12.00 €. The annual fee is graduated according to the social income. During the Lohnsteuerhilfeverein News workers with incomes up to 10 000 € just € 47.00 and an income workers pay a maximum of over 70 000 € € 245.00 membership fee, the charges of tax advisers begin beyond these amounts. What many do not know is that a consulting office managers to provide an appropriate professional experience of at least three years is needed before the approval is granted by the regional tax office. After the payment of social tiered membership fee will be no further charge. In addition to income tax returns reviewed the club's tax assessment and, where appropriate, an objection to the tax office. can be maintained - to the legal regulations - all persons with only income from dependent Tätigkeit, deren Einnahmen aus Zinsen, Kapital, Vermietung und Verpachtung die Höhe von jährlich insgesamt 9 000 Euro (Ledige) bzw. 18 000 Euro (Verheiratete) nicht überschreiten. Selbständige, Freiberufler sowie Land- und Forstwirte dürfen die Lohnsteuerhilfevereine nicht beraten.

"Sie haben keine Lust, keine Zeit oder kommen nicht zurecht", ist ein oft erklärtes Motiv der Klientel eines Lohnsteuerhilfevereins.
Der Lohnsteuerhilfeverein Aktuell arbeitet nach den Vorschriften des Steuerberatungsgesetzes. Regelmäßige Kontrollen der Oberfinanzdirektionen und das Verbot von anderen wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten (wie die Vermittlung von Versicherungen) the quality and independence of the advice guarantee. Overall, the Lohnsteuerhilfeverein is currently represented by more than 400 advisory centers across Germany. Annually advise about 5 million members of more than 900 income tax assistance clubs. 'll find more information free on 08000 9 666 699 370 or

Monday, December 24, 2007

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allocation of the tax consulting fees to operating expenses, advertising costs or the cost of living

The law for entry into a fiscal emergency program, the deduction of tax consulting fees as special expenses by 1 January 2006 excluded.

tax assistance costs are therefore at present to be considered only if they are business expenses or business expenses.

In its letter of 21st December 2007 (IV B 2 - S 2144/07/0002), the BMF takes on the question of when the tax consulting fees are to be classified as operating expenditure or expenses or special expenses.

Monday, December 17, 2007

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Tax treatment of deposits in the § 15a of the Income Tax Act in subsequent years

BMF letter dated 19.11.2007 (IV B 2 - S 2241-a/07/0004) for the tax treatment of Deposits under § 15a of the Income Tax Act in subsequent years.

The BFH has its judgments in the 14th October 2003 (Federal Gazette 2004 II p. 359) and 26 June 2007 - IV R 28/06 - (Federal Tax Gazette II p.) - on the text of § 15a paragraph 1 sentence 1 of the Income Tax Act also going - decided that deposits to offset a negative capital account made in the marketing year and the deposit is not reimbursable by losses are consumed regularly in the recognition of valuation allowances lead to the further consequence that economic losses of later years to use this item and then to qualify as a reimbursable , if a result (again) a negative capital account is created or increased.

The principles of these judgments are now applied by the tax authority in general.

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change to the application for the adoption tax code (AEAO)

The BMF letter of 11 December 2007 (IV A 4 - S 0062/07/003) on the modification of the decree on application of AO (AEAO) were especially rules on the issue of binding information in the AEAO Date (to § 89 para 2 AO).

According BMF letter of 18 December 2007 (IV A 4 - S 0224/07/0008) therefore the BMF letter

  • 29 December 2003 - IV A 4 - S-0430 - 7 / 03 - (Federal Tax Gazette I, p. 742)
  • of 12 March 2007 - IV A 4 - S-0224 / 07 / 0001 - (Federal Tax Gazette I, p. 227)
  • of 3 May 2007 - IV A 4 - S-0224 / 07 / 0003 - (Federal Tax Gazette I, p. 470)

lifted immediately.

The provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Federal Ministry of Finance letter of 29 December 2003 (IV A 4 - B 0430-7 / 03) are in No. 5 of the new AEAO to § 89 for information to be bound in good faith, to 11 September 2006 was issued, continue to apply.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

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Up to 4000, - € deductible for child care!

Up to 4000, - € for child care deductible!

Seit dem 01.01.2006 können Kinderbetreuungskosten wie Werbungskosten oder Betriebsausgaben abgezogen werden. Das gilt für berufstätige Alleinerziehende und für zusammen lebende Eltern, die beide berufstätig sind. Allerdings können nur Aufwendungen bis zu einer Obergrenze von 6.000 € berücksichtigt werden, davon wären zwei Drittel, maximal 4.000 € steuerlich abzugsfähig.

In gleichem Umfang können Eltern Kosten als Sonderausgaben absetzen, die sich selbst noch in der Training or who are care costs incurred due to own illness or disability.

even parents, when data are not those conditions, for example, because a parent is not working, ill or disabled, at least for expenses for children from the third to the sixth year claim as special expenses .

Conclusion: show The new regulations that many parents will continue to rely on competent tax advice from experts, if all tax benefits secured werden sollen. Wer die steuerliche Auswirkung seiner Betreuungskosten konkret analysieren will, kann sich an einen Lohnsteuerhilfeverein wenden. Diese erstellen die Einkommensteuererklärung für Arbeitnehmer, Beamte und Rentner mit ausschließlich Einkünften aus nichtselbstständiger Tätigkeit .

Ebenfalls beraten sie Mitglieder bei Einkünften aus Vermietung, Spekulationsgeschäften und bei Kapitalerträgen, jedoch dürfen die Einnahmen hieraus insgesamt 9.000,- € bzw. bei Ehegatten 18.000,- € im Jahr nicht übersteigen. There

More information is free on 08000 9 666 699 370 or

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craft bills - salary up to 600, - € deductible!

craft bills - salary up to 600, - € deductible!

Since 01.01.2006, private individuals up to 20% from wages of an artisan with a bill modernizing or deduct renovation. High but can earn 600 € in the tax return be made tax deductible from the tax liability claims. Favored, for example: activities that are given by renters and apartment owners for his own occupation occupied apartment in order. These include:
- the painting and decorating of walls / exterior
- the removal of damage
- the laying of carpet
- renovation of the bathroom by tiling
- fireplace renovation, roof repair
- Review of the heating system with carrying out minor repairs.

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Is my pension taxable?

Is my pension taxable?

The state pensions are taxed more since 2005 Step by Step.

Actually, the method of taxation of pensions to so-called

pension communications will be regulated. This notification procedure is

aber erst 2008 wirklich zur Verfügung stehen. So muss momentan

jeder Rentner für sich klären, ob er steuerpflichtig ist.

Steuerpflichtige Einkünfte aus 2005 müssen bis zum 31. Mai 2006 erklärt werden. Wer bis 2008 wartet, ob das Finanzamt sich auf Basis des Mitteilungsverfahrens meldet, muss gegebenenfalls für drei Jahre Steuern nachzahlen und dazu möglicherweise auch noch Säumniszuschläge und eine Vorauszahlung für 2008. Das kann zu bösen Überraschungen führen.

Wer seine Einkünfte konkret auf eine will analyze any tax liability out can contact the Lohnsteuerhilfeverein.

This created the income tax return for workers, civil servants and pensioners exclusively with income from self-employment .

She also advised members for income from rental, speculation and investment income but the income therefrom shall total of 9,000, - € for spouses or 18.000, - € not in übersteigen.

Die Beratungsstelle des Lohnsteuer­hilfe­vereins AKTUELL e. V. in Krefeld kostenfrei unter 08000 9 666 699 370 bzw. zu erreichen.

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respect to interest income pensioners: No money away!

Mehr als 1.421 € Zinsen im Jahr 2006…

away Many pensioners money when their interest income for the tax-free amount of € 1,421 in 2006 (2007: 801 €): Married to exceed for a single person and € 2,842 (1,602 € in 2007).

... and no non-assessment certificate?

If the bank has no non-assessment certificate from the tax office then must pay the bank for the amount exceeding 30 percent flat tax plus solidarity tax to the treasury.

also no exemption order?
If there is not even an exemption order must be the interest revenue will be even completely from the first euro shared with the Treasury!

overlooked exemption? To get your money back for 2006 and 2007:
This misfortune can be cured by an income tax return again, because many retirees have incomes freedom to tax-exempt basic allowance from € 7,664 per year for a single person and € 15,328 for married couples.

is thus no tax deduction for 2008

should banks to non-assessment certificate be submitted with the tax office for the year 2008 in order to be retained in 2008 only no tax.

How to obtain a certificate of non-assessment?
A non-assessment certificate is then issued by the tax office, if the expected income is so low that any assessment must be made to income tax.

from 2009 for the first time 25% withholding tax

Instead of the 30%-owned flat tax for the year 2009 for the first time brought the so-called flat tax of 25%.

Lohnsteuerhilfeverein help

Many retirees and retirees are understandably overwhelmed with this issue. Lohnsteuerhilfeverein create exclusively for pensioners with income from self-employment income tax return on a membership. also apply for non-assessment certificates.

D he Help Desk the Lohnsteuerhilfeverein NEWS e. V. is free on 08000 9 666 699 370 achieve
