Monday, February 28, 2011
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Household services - Cash replace subsequently by transfer
Liebe Leser,
erbringt ein Handwerker Leistungen für einen privaten Haushalt, kann dieser die Handwerker-Rechnung nur dann steuerlich geltend machen, wenn die Rechnung "unbar" bezahlt wird. Laut BMF (BMF-Schr. 15. 02. 10 Rz 46) sind zulässig:
- Überweisung,
- Dauerauftrag
- Einzugsermächtigung,
- Onlinebanking,
- Verrechnungsscheck,
- Electronic-cash-Verfahren oder
- elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren.
Laut Verwaltung nicht anzuerkennen: Barzahlungen, auch nicht Anzahlungen oder Teilzahlungen in bar.
Kann man das nachträglich noch umstellen von bar auf unbar? Beispiel: Ein Kunde zahlt an den Handwerker 1000 Euro in bar und später stellt man fest, dass der Kunde damit keinen steuerlichen Abzug hat. Der Handwerker gibt ihm nun die 1000 Euro zurück und stattdessen überweist der Kunde das Geld auf das Konto des Handwerkers.
Berechtigt das zum Steuerabzug? Laut BMF nein. Es soll nicht anerkannt werden, "…wenn a cash payment by a later-issued payment to the account of the provision of benefits is replaced
I would not see as severe. is decisive in my opinion, whether the cash input is already booked to the operator or not. So, if paid on Monday, bar, lies the artisans the money in your wallet and on Tuesday - but that nothing has gone on the books - the undone, should the tax authorities find it difficult to prove the great concern, whether you. here is doing something illegal, if you replace a cash payment by bank transfer, you must not do, because these very strict Opinion of management, after which a cash payment can not be replaced by transfer is not defined anywhere in the law.
way of clarification: is a craftsman for a rented apartment or a flat active operation, may, of course - cash flow - with full tax recognition. The above restrictions apply only if the artisans in the principal owner-occupied dwelling (garden) is active.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
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Pension plans in corporate divestitures
Zur Sanierung bzw. Entsorgung von Pensionszusagen
Pensionszusagen put at the disposal of subsidiaries of GmbH be a larger obstacle, and the buyer fears the longevity of the vendor and would set an early death of the seller's not really sad. The seller is concerned, however, the buyer could over the years finding ways to rid themselves of pension obligations. The problem is often the fact that in the past too little has been saved and not enough means to pay the pension available. The experts speak of a lack of funding of commitment.
Just as the insurers were initiators of pension plans once - "you financed thanks to the tax savings almost by itself "- so they are now available again to reorganize your solution." Simply a new insurance policy from "In actual fact, the restoration of pension benefits on the specific circumstances of each case and varies little one! case is the same. In tax law, in any case it belongs to the most demanding thing there is. There are a number of possible solutions, I would like to outline briefly.
there is no time pressure, then, is the date of pension commencement still far away, , the saving power can be increased or the amount of the commitment to be lowered. In practice, however, take far common to the cases, which the company or shares to be sold out and no concrete long preparation is possible. These cases will be discussed here and that more restrictive, only the situation where the buyer rejects the assumption of pension obligations fully.
are essentially the following variants in question: (1) Company sale through an asset deal, (2) outsourcing of pension obligations (4) to a provident fund or pension fund, (3) outsourcing to a sister company and full or partial waiver of the pension commitment. Another very interesting solution, in the special cases at the expense of the tax office is, should not be discussed here.
to (1): In an asset deal does not sell the shares in the company, but only the operation as such. The remaining shares and thus the residual GmbH to the seller. For the buyer this is a clean solution. The parties may - with certain restrictions - free to agree which assets and which liabilities are transferred. The pension obligations may remain with the seller, who now see themselves met to decide how its GmbH in the future with their obligations. After all, are the GmbH The funds from the reinsurance and the purchase price to pay for the pension. Whether they are sufficient to eventually, is another matter. This is not advantageous from the perspective of the seller for a reason other extremely unattractive: an asset deal out over a share deal to a much higher tax burden. The difference is less than 30% based on the company's value. For details, you can read the blog post in December. Another disadvantage is that the seller continue as long as the LLC must show how the board runs.
Re (2): This is the solution that is recommended by insurance companies. Who in Internet stöbert, bekommt dazu die meisten Informationen. Bei dieser Variante wird die Pensionsverpflichtung auf eine Versicherung ausgelagert. Die Versicherung will Geld sehen: Die gesamte Zusage muss sofort und vollständig ausfinanziert werden. Bei den Renditen, die Versicherungen gegenwärtig bieten, sind das enorme Beträge. Eine bestehende Rückdeckungsversicherung kann auch nicht auf den neuen Versicherungsvertrag übertragen, sondern muss gekündigt werden. Die Einzahlung in die Unterstützungskasse kann bei der GmbH auch nicht sofort steuerlich abgesetzt werden. Alles in allem eine sehr, sehr teure Lösung. Die Versicherung übernimmt aber im Gegenzug alle Risiken und stellt die lebenslange Zahlung sicher. Die GmbH wird von der Duty-free and can be sold easily.
Re (3): The pension obligations, together with reinsurance is outsourced to a separate Retiree GmbH (also a sister company). Under civil law, the more appropriate way is through a spin-off. This solution is civil and tax law very demanding and can be carried out by lawyers and tax advisors with appropriate expertise. The retiree-GmbH as a female employee must comply with the capital raising rules, which requires a concerted action with the bank. As a result, the sell GmbH free of the pension obligation and also can be sold easily. Bei dieser Variante ist zwar keine sofortige Ausfinanzierung erforderlich, die Gesamtmittel des Verkäufers sollten aber doch auf Dauer ausreichen, die Pension zu bedienen. Denkbar ist noch die Auslagerung auf eine Schwester-GmbH & Co. KG. Ausführungen dazu sprengen aber den Umfang eines Blog-Eintrags und sind auch nur in Sonderfällen sinnvoll.
Zu (4) Auf den ersten Blick erscheint ein Teilverzicht als der Königsweg. Teilverzicht deshalb, weil der Verkäufer sich eine Abfindung in Höhe der Rückdeckungsversicherung auszahlen lässt und nur auf den Restbetrag der Pensionszusage verzichtet. Allerdings führt dies zu gravierenden steuerlichen Auswirkungen. Abhängig on the specific situation may represent either the gain height as revenue for an LLC or a so-called hidden tax on income contribution. To the latter: The LLC will receive a financial benefit when it is released from the obligation to pay the pension. Because of this economic benefit is not supplied as part of an official capital, is referred to as the hidden deposit. In order to provide the shareholders this covert insertion, it must be accrued to him only once (you can not do without something you do not have). This influx triggers income tax. The concealed deposit does lead to additional acquisition costs to participation, which are sold in the sale können, unterm Strich bleibt doch aber eine erhebliche steuerliche Belastung übrig.
Maßgeblich für die Auswahl eines Lösungsweges sind im Wesentlichen diese Kriterien: Welche Restriktionen gibt der Käufer vor? Gibt es bereits eine Grundsicherung für den Verkäufer, die sein Langlebigkeitsrisiko abdeckt? Welche Spielräume ermöglichen die finanziellen Verhältnisse des Verkäufers unter Berücksichtigung des Kaufpreises für das Unternehmen?
Damit wird klar, dass der konkrete Lösungsweg in Abhängigkeit von der jeweiligen Ausgangssituation ausgewählt werden muss. Ein Pauschalrezept gibt es nicht.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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How manipulated cash book entries fly up
Dear Reader,
auditor analyze more intense, if holders of cash-invent their businesses cash receipts or whether the "real" numbers. But how can you find out? Number number - or not? Far from it. There are several mathematical tests to distinguish fictional from real number sequences. Two tests are particularly in demand for tax auditors to uncover "thought out" numbers.
The chi-square test: It is studied the first digit before the decimal point or the first decimal place. In a number of record 147.39 in the cash either the 7 or the 3rd An analysis of hundreds of entries here, one would expect in most cases an equal distribution of all ten digits from 0 to 9. Analyzing this way for example, 300 cash available throughout the year (one year usually has about 300 shop-opening days), one would expect for each of the ten digits 0 to 9 each in about 30 entries. Since devised figures always dominate certain favorite numbers or specific numbers are avoided, it is here but with manipulated figures to significant deviations. By Chi-square test the leaves as unusual track very closely.
The Benford's law : This law is based on studies of the mathematician Benford. This has determined that certain figures in non-manipulated statistically typical Distributions of the first digit is. The one before this comes to about 30 percent, about two to 17 percent, the three have much less likely and so it goes on with all the digits. Here, too, have manipulated figures striking deviations from the statistical distribution law.
Do those anomalies so that a corporate auditor carries out estimates? No. First, there may be certain abnormalities is a rational explanation (a company that all final prices have ended on 5 or 0, is obviously only have end of day totals ending in "5" or "0.") If, however, to formal defects in the Cash accounting deviance in the distribution of items to this, which is then the so-called "coffin nails" are leading to the rejection of your accounts and to estimate the profit.
your Alfred Gesierich, Accountants in Gilching (Landkreis Starnberg)
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Employee assessment
Zwei Fragen zum Thema "Was kann ich bei der Arbeitnehmerveranlagung geltend machen?"
- Kann ich meine neue Küche geltend machen?
- Wie schauts mit Medikamentenrechnungen aus?
Dazu zwei Antworten:
ad 1) nein, solange Du kein Koch bist, definitiv nicht und selbst dann wäre es wohl Ansichtssache. Wär ja noch schöner! :-)
Aufwendungen für Medikamente (einschließlich medizinisch verordnete homöopathische Präparate), Rezeptgebühren, Krankenscheingebühren und Behandlungsbeiträge (einschließlich Akupunktur und Psychotherapie), soweit sie der Steuerpflichtige selbst zu tragen hat (VwGH 13.5.1975, 1532/73), fallen unter Krankheitskosten und sind somit als außergewöhnliche Belastung absetzbar.
Allerdings gibt es einen Selbstbehalt:
Eine wesentliche Beeinträchtigung der wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfähigkeit liegt insoweit vor, als die Belastung den vom Steuerpflichtigen zu tragenden Selbstbehalt überschreitet.
Bemessungsgrundlage für die Berechnung des Selbstbehaltes ist das Einkommen vor Abzug der außergewöhnlichen Belastung selbst. Progressionsvorbehaltseinkünfte gemäß § 3 EStG 1988 sind nicht in die Bemessungsgrundlage einzubeziehen (VwGH 12.9.2001, 96/13/0066). Sind im Einkommen sonstige Bezüge im Sinne des § 67 EStG 1988 enthalten, so sind als Einkünfte aus nichtselbständiger Arbeit für Zwecke der Berechnung des Selbstbehaltes die zum laufenden Tarif zu versteuernden Einkünfte, plus the other income pursuant to § 67 para 1 and 2 Income Tax Act 1988, to be set.
The amount of the deductible is determined by applying the percentage applicable in each case pursuant to § 34 para 4 Income Tax Act 1988 to the base. Thereafter, the deductible is an income of
than € 7300.00 | 6% |
more than € 7300.00 to 14600.00 € | 8% |
more than € 14600.00 to 36400.00 € | 10% |
more than € 36400.00 | 12% |
reduces the deductible is per one percentage point
- if the taxpayer is entitled to the sole earner or single parents, and
- for each child (§ 106 of the Income Tax Act 1988).
again the link for information from the Income Tax Act on Exceptional loads:
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video rotate 90 degrees
Sometimes it is from whatever reason, to help have a video in portrait mode. To avoid damage to the reputation various cervical spine and / or monitor / TV / projector, there is a relatively simple solution to make videos.
software: VirtualDub
How to:
VirtualDub can no files in MOV format . Open These would have been with a video converter (such as Any Video Converter Free) to be converted to another format (eg AVI (DivX, XviD), or MPG).
Sometimes it is from whatever reason, to help have a video in portrait mode. To avoid damage to the reputation various cervical spine and / or monitor / TV / projector, there is a relatively simple solution to make videos.
software: VirtualDub
How to:
- VirtualDub start
- File - (or press Ctrl-O) Open Video File
- video - (or press Ctrl-F) filter
- Add: Select Rotate and rotation you want - then OK two times to confirm
- video - (or press CTRL-P) Compression and select the desired compression. (Default is an uncompressed video file)
- File - (or press F7) Save as AVI - Important: change file name!
- Done!
VirtualDub can no files in MOV format . Open These would have been with a video converter (such as Any Video Converter Free) to be converted to another format (eg AVI (DivX, XviD), or MPG).
Monday, January 17, 2011
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Thus, the investment deduction works under § 7g
with small effect for the 2007 balance of the tax break was eliminated. Since then, there is an investment deduction
The eight key elements of the investment deduction.
1. amount to 200,000 euros in profit reduction
second used capital goods are also favored. Previously new purchase was compulsory.
third Investment deduction amount will be deducted off the balance sheet. This is good for you Rating. Denn anders als früher wird Ihre Bilanz nicht „verpfuscht“.
4. Obergrenze Eigenkapital bis 235.000 Euro, Hier ist das laufende Jahr maßgebend, In der 2010er Steuererklärung kann man den IAB noch bis zu einem Eigenkapital von maximal 335 000 Euro nutzen. (§7g, 52 Abs. 23 EStG ).
5. Investitionszeitraum: Drei Jahre. Beispiel: Sie ziehen den IAB in der 2010er Steuererklärung ab. Dann müssen Sie bis 2013 investieren.
6. Das Anlagegut muss mindestens 90 Prozent eigenbetrieblich genutzt werden. In Personengesellschaften und Einzelunternehmen wird das ein Problem, wenn der Geschäftswagen mehr als 10 Prozent privat mitbenutzt wird. Arbeitnehmer-Autos sind hingegen per Definition immer zu 100 Prozent betrieblich genutzt.
7. Den Investitionsabzugsbetrag kann man nur noch nutzen to be honest planned investments.
8th The investment deduction is made subsequently reversed if you do not invest. A transfer of profits in later years - as before-is not possible.
An example:
you plan 2012, the purchase of a machine for 100,000 €.
In 2009, drag reduce profit from your tax return (off balance sheet): 40 percent = 40.000 Euro.
Und so geht es 2012 weiter: Im Jahr des Kaufs wird der Investitionsabzug in 2 Schritten auf das Investitionsgut steuerneutral übertragen.
Der Investitionsabzug wird außerhalb der Bilanz Gewinn erhöhend aufgelöst = 40.000 Euro Gewinnerhöhung.
Die Anschaffungskosten des Investitionsguts werden um 40 Prozent gekürzt = 40.000 Euro Gewinnminderung.
Die Abschreibungsbemessungsgrundlage für die Sonder-Abschreibung ist ab 2012: 60.000 Euro (=100.000 Euro - 40.000 Euro IAB).
Sonder-Abschreibung 20 Prozent hiervon = 12.000 Euro. Die lineare Abschreibung is also expected from the base of 60,000 euros. (§ 7g paragraph 2, sentence 2, 2nd sentence ITA)
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legal form in the light of planned disposals
In most cases the features of the tax legal form - partnership or sole proprietorship (PersG) on one hand versus corporation (Kapgen) on the other hand - represented only on the basis of current taxation. Not the focus of the authors are mostly reflections in view of the subsequent sale of the company. This situation we now help from you.
capital gains from shares in Kapgen, eg in a GmbH are subject to income tax. For very small holdings, the flat tax takes 25%. The funding amounts to less than 1%, is part of the income method. The tax is calculated individually, but the result usually also corresponds to about 25%. Additionally, there is one dependent on the amount of capital gains tax allowance of up to € 9060 if all shares are sold on a train. Business tax does not arise from share disposals. Special features - not discussed further - apply if the shares belong to one another GmbH GmbH. Each sale of shares in
PersG, the profit is taxed at the normal individual tax rate. In addition to income tax is also business tax, but the income tax, at least the major part, can be counted. In most cases, the tax burden 42% or more. Shareholders are better off just selling their entire stake in PersG at once. If they are at least 55 years old, there is the so-called half-rate with 16-25% and trade tax is not. In addition, there is an allowance which, however, melts at higher gains. When we speak of 'the advantage, we think these two components. is half the rate it but once in a lifetime.
We both systems are compared and calculated the tax consequences even with varying levels of capital gains. A full discussion is beyond a blog post, so here only a summary:
Against this background, of course, the question of whether to be changed before the sale, the legal status of the company. For example, if the LLC will be converted into a single company?
The conversion of a GmbH into a PersG itself can be made tax neutral if you do everything right. However, there is a problem later if there is to be sold after the conversion within a period of 5 years the shares of PersG. The capital gain is then subject to in addition to income tax (PIT) is always also the trade tax (trade tax). The trade tax is unfortunately not applicable to income tax must be paid in addition that is in full. Andererseits ist die GewSt als Veräußerungskosten von der Bemessungsgrundlage der ESt abziehbar. Das ist jedenfalls die Meinung des BFH, leider aber nicht die der Finanzämter. Die faktische GewSt-Belastung beträgt im Endergebnis bis zu rd. 9%-Punkte zusätzlich zur ESt. Man sollte also eine Umwandlung in eine PersG vor geplanten Verkäufen mit einem zeitlichen Vorlauf von 5 Jahren betreiben. Für kleine Unternehmen ohne größere Haftungsprobleme kann eine Umwandlung dann aber durchaus sinnvoll sein.
In der Praxis wird der umgekehrte Fall allerdings wesentlich häufiger vorkommen. Und zwar nach unserer Erfahrung dann, wenn noch ohne konkrete Veräußerungsabsicht von einer PersG in eine GmbH umgewandelt wurde und später should be sold. On the tax implications on the future sale in the conversion has usually meant no.
After a conversion of a PersG in a GmbH are also considered a qualifying period. But it is not 5 but 7 years. The legal consequences are also clearly different from that in the conversion PersG GmbH. It works like this: When a sale during the vesting period from the entire capital gain calculated out of the first part, attributable to the fictitious time of the conversion date. This section is retroactive, so tributary, taxed ongoing basis with the individual income tax rate. allowances, etc. are not. However, this reduced retroactively Part with each year that has passed since the conversion to 1/7tel. With increasing distance from the conversion date, the problem is always lower. The rest of the capital gain tax on the compensation of 25%. An example will illustrate this:
Issue: A sole proprietorship is converted into a limited company on 01/01/2011. Hidden reserves amount to € 700,000. On 01/07/2013, which is 2 ½ years later, all limited companies are sold. Hidden reserves amounted at that time € 900,000.
Solution: Of the 700,000 € 5/7tel must, therefore, € 500,000 will be taxed retroactively. The income tax is € 225,000 (€ 500,000 x 45%). These tax rates have come from around 10,000 €. be discharged on the rest of 400.000 € has 25% income tax, ie € 100,000.
the results we have calculated the tax burden during the vesting period and played in the adjacent table. The% values \u200b\u200brefer to the capital gain. The tax rates we have considered.
The tax burden falls from 45% in year 1 after conversion to the end value of 25% in year 8 after the conversion. It was only in year 5 enters a marked relaxation. The tax burden is then about 38%. As can be seen that the decrease in burden is progressive.
Zusammenfassend kann man folgendes konstatieren:
Normen: § 20 Abs. 2 EStG § 32d EStG, § 3 No. 40 Income Tax Act, § 3c Income Tax Act, § 17 para 3 ITA, the Income Tax Act § 34 para 3, § 16 para 4 Income Tax Act, § 18 para 3 UmwStG, § 22 para 1 UmwStG
In most cases the features of the tax legal form - partnership or sole proprietorship (PersG) on one hand versus corporation (Kapgen) on the other hand - represented only on the basis of current taxation. Not the focus of the authors are mostly reflections in view of the subsequent sale of the company. This situation we now help from you.
capital gains from shares in Kapgen, eg in a GmbH are subject to income tax. For very small holdings, the flat tax takes 25%. The funding amounts to less than 1%, is part of the income method. The tax is calculated individually, but the result usually also corresponds to about 25%. Additionally, there is one dependent on the amount of capital gains tax allowance of up to € 9060 if all shares are sold on a train. Business tax does not arise from share disposals. Special features - not discussed further - apply if the shares belong to one another GmbH GmbH. Each sale of shares in
PersG, the profit is taxed at the normal individual tax rate. In addition to income tax is also business tax, but the income tax, at least the major part, can be counted. In most cases, the tax burden 42% or more. Shareholders are better off just selling their entire stake in PersG at once. If they are at least 55 years old, there is the so-called half-rate with 16-25% and trade tax is not. In addition, there is an allowance which, however, melts at higher gains. When we speak of 'the advantage, we think these two components. is half the rate it but once in a lifetime.
We both systems are compared and calculated the tax consequences even with varying levels of capital gains. A full discussion is beyond a blog post, so here only a summary:

- Sollen sukzessiv Anteile verkaufen werden, ist die KapG am besten geeignet.
- Wenn keine Begünstigung gegeben ist (noch nicht, oder nicht mehr), ist die KapG ebenfalls immer sehr viel besser geeignet als die PersG.
- Bis zu einem Veräußerungsgewinn von bis zu rd. 250.000 Euro und der Begünstigung hat der Gesellschafter einer PersG die Nase vorn. Über diese Betragshöhe hinaus besteht kein wesentlicher Unterschied mehr zwischen PersG und KapG. Aber Achtung: weil der Kaufpreis bei einem Share-Deal nicht abgeschrieben werden kann, zahlt der Käufer bei einem Share-Deal u.U. einen niedrigeren Kaufpreis.
Against this background, of course, the question of whether to be changed before the sale, the legal status of the company. For example, if the LLC will be converted into a single company?
The conversion of a GmbH into a PersG itself can be made tax neutral if you do everything right. However, there is a problem later if there is to be sold after the conversion within a period of 5 years the shares of PersG. The capital gain is then subject to in addition to income tax (PIT) is always also the trade tax (trade tax). The trade tax is unfortunately not applicable to income tax must be paid in addition that is in full. Andererseits ist die GewSt als Veräußerungskosten von der Bemessungsgrundlage der ESt abziehbar. Das ist jedenfalls die Meinung des BFH, leider aber nicht die der Finanzämter. Die faktische GewSt-Belastung beträgt im Endergebnis bis zu rd. 9%-Punkte zusätzlich zur ESt. Man sollte also eine Umwandlung in eine PersG vor geplanten Verkäufen mit einem zeitlichen Vorlauf von 5 Jahren betreiben. Für kleine Unternehmen ohne größere Haftungsprobleme kann eine Umwandlung dann aber durchaus sinnvoll sein.
In der Praxis wird der umgekehrte Fall allerdings wesentlich häufiger vorkommen. Und zwar nach unserer Erfahrung dann, wenn noch ohne konkrete Veräußerungsabsicht von einer PersG in eine GmbH umgewandelt wurde und später should be sold. On the tax implications on the future sale in the conversion has usually meant no.
After a conversion of a PersG in a GmbH are also considered a qualifying period. But it is not 5 but 7 years. The legal consequences are also clearly different from that in the conversion PersG GmbH. It works like this: When a sale during the vesting period from the entire capital gain calculated out of the first part, attributable to the fictitious time of the conversion date. This section is retroactive, so tributary, taxed ongoing basis with the individual income tax rate. allowances, etc. are not. However, this reduced retroactively Part with each year that has passed since the conversion to 1/7tel. With increasing distance from the conversion date, the problem is always lower. The rest of the capital gain tax on the compensation of 25%. An example will illustrate this:
Issue: A sole proprietorship is converted into a limited company on 01/01/2011. Hidden reserves amount to € 700,000. On 01/07/2013, which is 2 ½ years later, all limited companies are sold. Hidden reserves amounted at that time € 900,000.
Solution: Of the 700,000 € 5/7tel must, therefore, € 500,000 will be taxed retroactively. The income tax is € 225,000 (€ 500,000 x 45%). These tax rates have come from around 10,000 €. be discharged on the rest of 400.000 € has 25% income tax, ie € 100,000.
the results we have calculated the tax burden during the vesting period and played in the adjacent table. The% values \u200b\u200brefer to the capital gain. The tax rates we have considered.
The tax burden falls from 45% in year 1 after conversion to the end value of 25% in year 8 after the conversion. It was only in year 5 enters a marked relaxation. The tax burden is then about 38%. As can be seen that the decrease in burden is progressive.
Zusammenfassend kann man folgendes konstatieren:
- Wer 48 Jahre alt oder jünger ist, erreicht die Begünstigung mit 55 sowieso nicht innerhalb der folgenden 7 Jahre. Er kann deshalb problemlos umwandeln.
- Wer beabsichtigt, nicht das gesamte Unternehmen zu verkaufen, sondern (zunächst) nur Teile davon, kann ebenfalls problemlos umwandeln. Die Alternative beim Verkauf von Teilanteilen einer PersG wäre schlechter (s.o.).
- Wer in naher Zukunft die Begünstigung erreichen kann und dann vollständig Kasse machen möchte, sollte die Finger von einer Umwandlung lassen.
Normen: § 20 Abs. 2 EStG § 32d EStG, § 3 No. 40 Income Tax Act, § 3c Income Tax Act, § 17 para 3 ITA, the Income Tax Act § 34 para 3, § 16 para 4 Income Tax Act, § 18 para 3 UmwStG, § 22 para 1 UmwStG
Friday, January 14, 2011
Behind Rebel Lines Chapter By Chapter Summary
40 percent of a 2011er photovoltaic system already in the tax return 2010 write off
Dear Reader,
the classic tax savings are dead one of the only investment that pays off worse, due to government-mandated subsidies ( EEG's worth) is still the photovoltaics. The remuneration for the electricity are coming down but the prices for the modules.
Who in 2010 ordered a mandatory system for 2011 may already sell in its 2010 tax return 40 percent of the cost. (So-called investment deduction amount under § 7g).
Why a mandatory order is necessary? A photovoltaic system is considered to own a business. If the plant is delivered in 2011, 2011 is the year of production start. And the tax law requires in the case of plant entry a binding order in the previous year, if you will use in the previous year, the 40 percent investment tax amount.
How to save: Suppose you order a plant for 40 000 €, then they can write off in 2010 as 16 000 €. In 2011 - when the system is mounted - you can write off the remaining amount (24.000 €) for 20% plus the regular depreciation of 5 percent per year. The declining balance depreciation in 2011's no more.
Another advantage PVA systems entitle usually at very reasonable KfW loans. Normally you can pay off all alone in the current revenues of the credit in the first 10 years. Ideally, the system then works for 10 years and then brings money into a long-amortized investment.
your Alfred Gesierich
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Planetsuzy The Present
A company car is always calculated for whole months, so ...
... it's worth it for a change often during the month until the second half of the month zu warten.
Warum? Hier die Begründung:
Die Dienstwagensteuer bemisst sich nach dem Brutto-Listenneupreis. Wenn man das Auto während des Monats wechselt, kann man aber nicht zeitanteilig rechnen. Sondern das Finanzamt verlangt, den überwiegend genutzten Firmenwagen anzusetzen. Wenn der Neue teurer ist als der alte, ist es geschickt, die Auslieferung ab dem 16. des Monats vorzunehmen. Dann berechnet sich die Dienstwagensteuer noch nach dem billigeren alten Auto.
Beispiel: Ein angestellter Geschäftsführer bekommt einen neuen Firmenwagen (List Price 80 000 euro), to be delivered on April 14. On the same day the old car X return (list price 50 000 Euros). If the manager to switch to 2 days at 16 April moves, saving € 134 taxes.
For by the shift to 16 is the old car as "primarily used". Thus, the manager comes in April, with 500 € cash advantage of it - instead of 800 €.
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