living - Riester decided
The new law can be used in future Riester savers money out of her contract for the financing of a home. If you already
bespart a subsidized Riester contract, the money can now be taken completely and actually buying a house or an apartment in Germany. This increases the equity of the buyer, he must take up at the bank less credit. In addition, it may use its future Riester savings amounts and the amounts to repay the loan.
The state wants that citizens can live rent-free in retirement - only there for the grant. Consequently, it can take advantage of the residential Riester only for single family homes and condominiums. But not for multi-family houses. Support will also include the acquisition of shares in housing cooperatives.
Legislators has built-in transition: 2008 and 2009, we see only his Riester money for residential purposes if it has saved at least 10 000 €. Basically
Rieser pensions are taxable in the elderly. Since the residential aged Riester flows but no money, living a fictional account funding is formed. On this, the grants and sponsored eradication rates are noted. In addition to two percent per year, falling interest rates. The total accumulated sum, the retirees will pay taxes - to his personal tax rate, which in old age is generally lower. In addition, the residential Riester retirees a choice: Either they pay the tax debt at a stroke; granted in this case, they the treasury at a discount of 30 percent. Or stutter but the taxes for up to 25 years from, but then granted the tax office no discount.
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