Thursday, April 22, 2010

Clymifia In The Mouth

referral marketing

imply a recommendation of an influential beyond the pure communication receiving Action notice that he was positive or negative nature, usually preceded by their own experience with the respective offer. ("Can I recommend you," or: "Just do not buy that") This assumes a non-primary commercial interest of the recommender. Precisely this makes him credible and trustworthy - and desirable to purchase the recommended product. referral marketing will stimulate through a suitable choice of means as large a number of positive recommendations in order to thus allow new customers and increased sales permanently.
referral marketing is the second way to new customers. Der erste Weg, die aufwändige Neukunden-Akquise, wird zunehmend beschwerlich. Erstnutzer werden immer seltener. Und das Abjagen von Kunden der Konkurrenz funktioniert fast nur noch über den Preis. Eine glaubwürdige Empfehlung hingegen ist jeder Kaltakquise und auch jeder Form der klassischen Werbung überlegen. Und sie ist so gut wie kostenlos zu bekommen. Das Empfehlungsmarketing ist nicht nur die ältestes Kaufmannstugend der Welt, sondernd as wirkungsvollste Werbemittel.

Vertriebsformen wie Schneeballsysteme, Pyramidensysteme oder teilweise auch MLM-Systeme, die sich gerne mit dem Begriff Empfehlungsmarketing schmücken, are not assigned to the referral marketing. For at stake in these forms is not primarily to the (free) good quality of a product, but rather are purely financial (skim) interests to the fore. The company's business model is, indeed, that each of the independent distributor mitverdient in an ascending line of the vertically structured organization with a successful multi-level recommendation in the form of revenue sharing. It is therefore a pure sharing of "funds" without something in return. And that's what matters: a commensurate return is missing.
Author: Erich von Wild Dalwigk, Eutin

Tags: network marketing, network marketing, marketing

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