Angenommen, Sie berkommen ein neues Leasingauto und müssen 9000 Euro netto plus Mehrwertsteuer Leasingsonderzahlung bezahlen. Wie müssen Sie das das steuerlich handhaben? Bei der Umsatzsteuer und in der Bilanz?
Die von der Leasinggesellschaft auf die Sonderzahlung any sales tax charged, you can immediately deduct the delivery month of the car (on a previous payment even earlier) in your VAT return as a pilot.
the net amount of 9000 €, but you can not sell immediately. (Even if car salesmen say that sometimes.) The immediate deduction is only for revenue-surplus account and they can only self-employed and small business use.
you as the summarizing contrast to the leasing special payment split to the months of the lease - in your case 36 months. To account for every month so 250 euros. When delivered in July 2009 set in 2009 so 6 / 36 the special payment as a business expense from that is 1500 €. At the level of the rest (9000 less 1500 €) you are in the balance sheet a "prepaid expenses" (ARAP). In the years 2010 and 2011 you're getting € 3,000 each from that post in the overhead and 2012, 1,500 euros last time.
it worth a leasing special payment at all?
My advice: A lease is worth special payment for non-tax accounting Zierer. The only meaning can be that the leasing company reduced its interest rate advantage because the monthly payments much faster than the 250 € in our example (eg around 280 €). Only worth a Special payment. is
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